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Radhika Thakkar

Radhika Thakkar

St. John's University, USA

Title: The technological advances in endodontics and its consequences for endodontists and fundamentally for their patients


Biography: Radhika Thakkar


Introduction: In Greek, “ergo” refers to work and “nomos” refers to natural systems. Ergonomics is the methodical sphere concerned in conjunction with the indulgent of interactions amongst human being as well as auxiliary fundamentals of a system and the profession that pertains concepts, principles, methods to scheme to augment human well-being by large system performance. This pain is associated with the poor stance and movements during the dental procedures. However, these predicaments can be evaded by collective mindfulness of the postures used for the duration of the work to encourage examining the impact of instrument use on upper extremity pain and tailing hale and hearty work practices.
Methods: The presentation of this Umbrella review is in accordance with the PRISMA statement (Moher et al., 2009). Metaanalysis is done by using COVIDENCE tool. The review included articles published in the last 10 years, from 2007 to 2018 on the MEDLINE, SCOPUS, Cochrane Library. The search strategy used a combination following keywords: ergonomic, dentist, musculoskeletal, posture, prevention, neck pain, Additionally, we performed a hand search on reference lists of the selected articles. Only Systemic Review Articles are included in the study to develop Umbrella Review. Inclusion criteria of this study is engrossed on conditions associated to ergonomics and on the utmost operational precautionary methods adopted in the dental occupation.
Results: Online research indicated 2098 references. Ultimately, 26 research papers were included in this review. Characterizations of included review articles indicates that majority of the studies are conducted in India, which makes this results more relevant to dental health professionals of India. Moreover, awkward posture was one of the key contributor of work related musculoskeletal disorder among dentists. The purpose of this article was to summarize the findings all review articles and present the findings to create awareness of important ergonomic hazards and preventive strategies.
Conclusion: Ergonomic depiction of dental work approaches has revealed various occupational risk factors inherent in dental procedures and their influence on a high degree of MSD observed among dentists. Well planned ergonomic intervention program can reduce the global burden of this problem.